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Short post here. Mostly it's to notify people subscribed via Feedburner that yes, there was a Sunday post, but Feedburner didn't send it out, I think because there are too many links. I've spent an hour messing around with their help pages, but I can't seem to fix the post to their liking.

Do scroll down and give your suggestions in the comments on the post on "How to Get Your Book Published." I really need input from fellow authors.

Also, I forgot to announce that I'll be speaking to the Central Coast Sisters in Crime on  Saturday July 13 at the GALA center in San Luis Obispo at 10:30 AM. "Blogging for Authors: Out of the Slushpile and Onto the Bestseller List." Open to the public and FREE. 1060 Palm St in downtown SLO.

So if you're on the Central Coast, come on by and bring your blogging questions!


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