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We were all sitting and felt a little tired after dinner. Although it was already late evening no one single man wanted to go home. We lighted our sigars as just when Brisbane – the biggest and the strongest man from all of us admited that he saw a ghost once. All the men at once felt excited and immediatly demanded him to tell his story. So Brisbane began a story about his travel. Long time ago he used to travel to U.S.A. He loved to travel on one special ship named Kamtschatka, but after current story he disliked this ship forever. It is all the matter in cabin 105 on Kamtschatka.

Ronald Torbay is a murderer. He is going to do his third kill. Ronald is a middle-aged, living with his third wife at the new place and nobody knows them.There is a perfect place for the murder. His plan is easy: he uses false name and goes on holiday at the new place. There he finds women middle-aged, who have money, shy, have no friends and not much attractive. Then he propose marrying him. The next step is killing his wives and getting women’s money. Murders looks like an accident in the bathroom. Ronald loves his third wife, but is going to murder her. Will be it easy?

Young Bassanio, whose parents were rich and left him with money, spent all his possessions and had a lot of debts. He decided to marry a rich and beautiful Portia and asked for help from his friend – the Venetian merchant Antonio. Antonio borrowed money from Shylock, the Jewish moneylender. Condition of the deal was that Shylock has the right to cut a part of flesh a pound weight from the body of the merchant if he did not pay back on time. When Antonio ships wrecked and the deadline for payment of the bill has been expired. The case of failed deadline would be heard in the court

Four members of a team making a geological survey for a mining company find themselves trapped deep in a forest when they are delayed by heavy rains. Can Leon successfully lead them to safety?

Maggie Tulliver’s first love was very strong, but her lover wasn’t aproved by her whole family and particularly her brother who extremely hated him. As Maggie was were where devoted to her family she broke relationships with her boyfriend. That it was only a begging of her love sufferings. Later she fell in love with her cousin’s betrothed. The choices she had to make are painful ones, as either way she standed to lose – either the man she loves or the respect of her friends and family.

There is a strange thing about Ireland – no snakes live there. There are snakes in England and Scotland and Wales, the countries of Great Britain. But there are no snakes on the island of Ireland. There is a very old story about this. Long ago – in about the year 400 AD – a holy man came to Ireland. He was Saint Patrick. He came to teach the people about Christianity. At that time, there were many snakes in Ireland. Saint Patrick quickly destroyed all the snakes except one. The saint could not catch this clever old snake. So Patrick made a beautiful box and he showed it to the old snake. He invited the snake to look inside the box. The snake got into the box and Saint Patrick quickly shut the lid. Then he threw the box and the snake into the sea. So now people say that there are no snakes in Ireland because Saint Patrick killed all of them. But this story not about Patric it is about indian student Harkishan Ram Lai who haы to work to earn money for studying. He decided to work as a builder, but his foremaster is hard and cruel man who doesn’t like foreignersю


It was sunny day. Baffy’s school went to the museum. Buffy, Willow and Xander were talking about upcoming events by the way. Students of the exchange programme come for them soon. Buffy didn’t interested who it would guy or girl. Because she didn’t want guests in her house at all. Xander loves Buffy and is jealous of her if this student will muscular guy. At that time, guide has begun talking the legend about the princess of Incan. Incan had choosen the new beautiful young princess and immolated her for the mountain god 500 years ago. Princess were guarded by the seal. It was the warning for everyone who wants to wake her up. The sacrifice was buried alive forever and remained in the tomb. Our trinity were looking at this mummy of princess and compassion on her. Soon Xander has recollected about exchange of students and all left the room. But one of Buffy’s schoolmates has came to the mummy and accidentally he has woken up the dead princess…